Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lesson #2: Moving Down the Street to the "Big City"

Los Angeles, California... also known as the "City of Angels" and home of overpriced coffee and 3.83 million starving artists waiting for their big break. A place where you have the option to "drink all day and play all night" or work your ass off to make that last $100 for the rest that was due yesterday. Flashing lights, dreams, and palm trees is what this city is made of... and I freakin love it!

I am a recent graduate of California State University, Fullerton in Orange County, just thirty miles south/east of the diverse city. Although I lived in "The OC", I always found myself driving to LA for multiple reasons such as the nightlife and entertainment work. After I had no more obligation to OC, I packed up my bags and Ikea bed and moved to my second home in hopes to save a little gas.

For those who personally know me, I was about .02 seconds from moving to Atlanta, GA but ended up staying in Southern California. Honestly, I thought that moving to Los Angeles would have been a lot easier, but it's been a lot more difficult than I thought. I guess I'm living in the the real world and reality is lowkey a biotch [who would have thunk...]

Although I did not find The South to be a place for me to reside at the moment, I do see myself moving somewhere outside of California in the future. For now... LA, CA is perfect for J B S. Learning to live in a new setting is always a difficult process [even though I got the "Easy Card"], but you have to make your surroundings your own. Socialize and take every opportunity to go out and make friends. The entertainment business in the city runs on loud mouths and networking over martinis, so when in Rome... DO what the Romans do and enjoy :)

Don't Get Fooled University... Class has Begun!

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