Friday, May 27, 2011

The Undie Run: DGFU gets buck!

Cheers to the freakin weekend, or to summer break for that matter! Everyone has a different way of celebrating the end of a long strenuous semester that's grand finale is a week replaced with Monster energy drinks, distracting Facebook breaks, and catching up with an entire semesters worth of material. To the college educated of Southern California, the traditional "Undie Run" is no new concept. The phrase speaks for itself... you run in your undies!

Schools are now starting to come to a conclusion and DGFU Undies sales are on the raise! No one wants to be that basic bitch with the granny panties or the Fruit of the Loom bonus pack boxers. Unless you were a messy little tramp for the past four to five years, many of your college peers have not had the pleasure of seeing your physique in skimpy undergarments. The Undie Run allows you show off that creativity from Art 101 and that amazing, or not so amazing, body you have been power walking all over campus with. With everyone in a state of excitement and intoxication, no one cares what you look like. All you have to worry about is staying warm and avoiding getting tagged on Facebook! It is time to celebrate the survival of yet another semester that will bring you one closer to walking across the stage!

Obviously is this nothing you would see a FAMU in the south partake in, BUT I'm Cali bred so "When in Rome...". Just having some innocent fun :)

Get your DGFU Undies at

Saturday, May 7, 2011

One Year ReCAP

"Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of what you make of it..."

May 15, 2010
I cannot believe a year has already passed. Next week marks the date when I strutted across the stage in a cheap and poorly made gown as a complete stranger mispronounced my name "Jay-Cee Sadler" to get my temporary college degree [kind of like the DMV]. That day felt like 1,536,369 pounds being lifted off my bony shoulders and gently placed next to me. Yes, the year has come and gone quickly, but so much has changed in this little life of mine.

If you would have told me a year ago that I would own my own clothing line, living single in a chic studio apartment in Los Angeles, and a visual manager for one of the top retail companies in the country, I would given you my typical *blankstare* that everyone seems to have grown to love. Toward the end of my college career I had two second job interviews lined up in Atlanta and was determined to get out of The OC. I was in the beginning stages of a relationship that once meant everything to me that today is a distant memory. Once I decided that I didn't want to move to "the south", I was instantly was thrown into the giant pool of post grads looking for a job in Southern California. With the mentality that I was going to win, I landed my "dream job" that didn't turn out to be so dreamy, nor financially stable! So I quit.

One thing that is profound to me is that I don't like the jobs where I'm actually using my degree, but I love my college job serving where I make just as much money in 1/2 the time and still have a ball with all my loony customers and even crazier coworkers. Who would have thunk?! I'm also going back to school beginning this summer. Something that I would have never foreseen. But this time I am doing it for me [and to defer my student loans LOL]. My four year experience at CSUF was priceless and I would never take it back for anything, but I went to college because that's what society says to do, not for me. The program I am enrolling in will help me with my business which will one day be my full time "job".

The end of 2010 was definitely a year of "Trial & Error". The biggest lesson that I have learned is to be flexible and do what makes you happy. I worked my ass off in college to make sure my resume was all set to go after I graduation, yet come to find out I don't even like the field I studied LOL. I was reminded of how young I am and not to take life too seriously. Listen to the advice of others, but walk your own path. I'm taking my time traveling, learning, loving and BEING HAPPY!

"Life is a beach and I'm just playing in the sand" :)