Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lesson #11: Get Into It, Get Festive. [Christmas 2K10]

The "Casa De Jayce" Estate
This time of year is always bitter/sweet for me. As everyone is frolicking around wearing last year's pea coat and playing the Boyz II Men Christmas album, I just continue on with life. I don't know why I never get into the Holidays, but this year I wanted to try something different. The day finally came five years after I moved out where I got the official "Toot & Boot" from the parent's house. In cleaning out my "unofficial storage unit" that was once my haven as an adolescent, I come across clothes, books, and other items that have been collecting dust over the years. Tis the season to give, so bags and boxes of my clothes and shoes were donated to the Union Rescue Mission on Skid Row in Downtown LA. If you see multiple homeless people fitted in rhinestone studded Ed Hardy hats, you know were they came from... DO NOT be alarmed. From that moment I knew I was going to attempt to get "festive" for 2010.

Yesterday I did something that I have never done before. A few friends of mine gather every year and make ginger bread houses. As weird and socially awkward as that sounds, my immediate reaction was to mark my calender [right before the I remembered that I absolutely hate gingerbread!]. Different is a quality that I have always possessed in many aspects of my character. While everyone else was trying to make a miniature replica of the witch's home in Hasel & Greddle, I wanted to make a something no one has seen before. I created a personalized mini mansion out of Cinnamon gram cracker and cream cheese frosting entitled "Casa De Jayce" with a helicopter pad, rooftop pool party of Sour Patch kids, and a mote with killer goldfish. As Macaulay Cultin beat up two idiots on the big screen, I was focused on my project until it was complete. I felt like a kid again and didn't have to deal with nasty gingerbread!

Although I could have done more to celebrate the Christmas season, constructing an estate out of fat people snacks was above and beyond anything I would ever do. I have been truly blessed my entire life I would be wrong for me to not give back to the less fortunate. Christmas 2010 was a test run and in my personal opinion I passed. Cannot wait for what 2011 brings to the platter. Finish off 2010 strong!

Happy Christmas!

DGFU, helicopter pad, and Sour Patch kids Pool Party
Brent & Javon trying to keep their house a home 
This was 2nd place behind "Casa De Jayce" in my mind. 
After the Northridge Earthquake

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lesson #10: Don't Short Yourself Foo

With my commute to Burbank from my home in OC I have a lot of time to sit and think about... well about life! Today as pollution circulated through my breathing system and Ryan Siecrest revealed the latest on the Kardashion girls, I sat in typical bumper to bumper LA traffic. The topic of my own little personal show was the pre-relationship stage and the constant BS people go through for people who are not even claiming them. I'm not referring to the dating stage when you first meet someone, but when a "couple" is exclusively our even UNexclusively talking.

Now I have no problem with this situation at all. For the peoplewho know me, I've lived in this stage a few drown out times wherethe title never really entered the picture. I also have a lot of friends who stay in this stage for years! Over and over I hear how so-and-so did me dirty again and she/he stays hurting my heart! Hey, if you're ready you're ready, and if you're not.. you're not,but if its really that bad, why are you sticking around and using your energy on someone that is not even your significant other?

I related this experience to a plane flight. If you haven't taken off yet, you're not going to crash. It is okay to let go of someone, especially if you are not able to maintain a healthy friendship with them [because that is what it is, a friendship!]. In fact, it should be easier if you haven't gotten to that level in a relationship. There are in fact cases when a pair are in this pre-relationship stage for so long time they really do develop feelings. To those I say if the thing that is stopping you from taking it to the next level hasn't changed already, then it's probably not going to change anytime soon. What's done is done and what's going to happen is going to happen. It's going to be okay! Get off the plane before it takes off and it crashes...
"You're only given a certain amount of energy during a lifetime... use it wisely"


[Blog taken from my past blog at]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Twitter Blast! #DGFU

I had the pleasure of meeting Kita Williams, publicist, executive producer & co-star of VH1'S The T.O. Show. Made sure to gift her with a DGFU V-Neck and pass a Original Tank on to Terrell Owens. Follow her @Kitapubdiva ;)

Twitter Links!
Kita Williams: @Kitapubdiva

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lesson #9: Jump Start Your New Year [Like NOW!]

Happy December! 2010 is in it's final act and it's time to move onto another well anticipated performance.. 2011! It seems like every year Christmas decorations are going up earlier and earlier. I swear my neighbors had a reef on their door before I could even purchase my skimpy Halloween costume. After presents are ripped open and teens are finished hooking up under the mistletoe, it's time to toast to the New Year. January is national "Get back in the gym" month while February is "Eff this I QUIT!" month. Raise your hand if you've done this... thought so!

I started working out recently. For anyone that is close to me know that I absolutely hate the gym. I've had memberships and personal trainers and cannot seem to fall in love with it like some people do. It just turns out that the genetics in my family demand that I have a small build, which some consider lucky [Sue me]. With that said, my personal New Years resolution is going to be getting more physically active. "They" say that you are supposed to have a plan, but I do not want one. As long as I am enjoying myself and physically challenging myself, I'm fine!

For those who live in LA|CA there are plenty of trendy spots to get your cardio on! I've been doing Runyon Canyon in Hollywood and freakin love it! People say that my skinny ass shouldn't be running or doing cardio but I don't care, my heart is a muscle that need to be exercised just like any other muscle. I've also tried the Santa Monica Stairs, which seem like it would be easy...but it's not. The old men and women were beating me with laps up and down those stairs while I'm panting like I'm hiking up with Pyramids of Giza!

Scientific studies show that it takes 21 days for your brain to build a habit. The key is commitment and if you can commit to December you will be set for the entire year of 2011. Whether your resolution is to quit smoking, learning to save and stop blowing your money on pointless BS, or saying goodbye to that trans-fat flab, you have the power to follow through on a resolution. So grab a friend, pop in Kanye's Workout Plan, and get it right, get it tight! #readysetGO!

Help from YELP!
Click for info: Runyon Canyon Park
Click for info: Santa Monica Stairs