Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lesson #11: Get Into It, Get Festive. [Christmas 2K10]

The "Casa De Jayce" Estate
This time of year is always bitter/sweet for me. As everyone is frolicking around wearing last year's pea coat and playing the Boyz II Men Christmas album, I just continue on with life. I don't know why I never get into the Holidays, but this year I wanted to try something different. The day finally came five years after I moved out where I got the official "Toot & Boot" from the parent's house. In cleaning out my "unofficial storage unit" that was once my haven as an adolescent, I come across clothes, books, and other items that have been collecting dust over the years. Tis the season to give, so bags and boxes of my clothes and shoes were donated to the Union Rescue Mission on Skid Row in Downtown LA. If you see multiple homeless people fitted in rhinestone studded Ed Hardy hats, you know were they came from... DO NOT be alarmed. From that moment I knew I was going to attempt to get "festive" for 2010.

Yesterday I did something that I have never done before. A few friends of mine gather every year and make ginger bread houses. As weird and socially awkward as that sounds, my immediate reaction was to mark my calender [right before the I remembered that I absolutely hate gingerbread!]. Different is a quality that I have always possessed in many aspects of my character. While everyone else was trying to make a miniature replica of the witch's home in Hasel & Greddle, I wanted to make a something no one has seen before. I created a personalized mini mansion out of Cinnamon gram cracker and cream cheese frosting entitled "Casa De Jayce" with a helicopter pad, rooftop pool party of Sour Patch kids, and a mote with killer goldfish. As Macaulay Cultin beat up two idiots on the big screen, I was focused on my project until it was complete. I felt like a kid again and didn't have to deal with nasty gingerbread!

Although I could have done more to celebrate the Christmas season, constructing an estate out of fat people snacks was above and beyond anything I would ever do. I have been truly blessed my entire life I would be wrong for me to not give back to the less fortunate. Christmas 2010 was a test run and in my personal opinion I passed. Cannot wait for what 2011 brings to the platter. Finish off 2010 strong!

Happy Christmas!

DGFU, helicopter pad, and Sour Patch kids Pool Party
Brent & Javon trying to keep their house a home 
This was 2nd place behind "Casa De Jayce" in my mind. 
After the Northridge Earthquake

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lesson #10: Don't Short Yourself Foo

With my commute to Burbank from my home in OC I have a lot of time to sit and think about... well about life! Today as pollution circulated through my breathing system and Ryan Siecrest revealed the latest on the Kardashion girls, I sat in typical bumper to bumper LA traffic. The topic of my own little personal show was the pre-relationship stage and the constant BS people go through for people who are not even claiming them. I'm not referring to the dating stage when you first meet someone, but when a "couple" is exclusively our even UNexclusively talking.

Now I have no problem with this situation at all. For the peoplewho know me, I've lived in this stage a few drown out times wherethe title never really entered the picture. I also have a lot of friends who stay in this stage for years! Over and over I hear how so-and-so did me dirty again and she/he stays hurting my heart! Hey, if you're ready you're ready, and if you're not.. you're not,but if its really that bad, why are you sticking around and using your energy on someone that is not even your significant other?

I related this experience to a plane flight. If you haven't taken off yet, you're not going to crash. It is okay to let go of someone, especially if you are not able to maintain a healthy friendship with them [because that is what it is, a friendship!]. In fact, it should be easier if you haven't gotten to that level in a relationship. There are in fact cases when a pair are in this pre-relationship stage for so long time they really do develop feelings. To those I say if the thing that is stopping you from taking it to the next level hasn't changed already, then it's probably not going to change anytime soon. What's done is done and what's going to happen is going to happen. It's going to be okay! Get off the plane before it takes off and it crashes...
"You're only given a certain amount of energy during a lifetime... use it wisely"


[Blog taken from my past blog at]

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Twitter Blast! #DGFU

I had the pleasure of meeting Kita Williams, publicist, executive producer & co-star of VH1'S The T.O. Show. Made sure to gift her with a DGFU V-Neck and pass a Original Tank on to Terrell Owens. Follow her @Kitapubdiva ;)

Twitter Links!
Kita Williams: @Kitapubdiva

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lesson #9: Jump Start Your New Year [Like NOW!]

Happy December! 2010 is in it's final act and it's time to move onto another well anticipated performance.. 2011! It seems like every year Christmas decorations are going up earlier and earlier. I swear my neighbors had a reef on their door before I could even purchase my skimpy Halloween costume. After presents are ripped open and teens are finished hooking up under the mistletoe, it's time to toast to the New Year. January is national "Get back in the gym" month while February is "Eff this I QUIT!" month. Raise your hand if you've done this... thought so!

I started working out recently. For anyone that is close to me know that I absolutely hate the gym. I've had memberships and personal trainers and cannot seem to fall in love with it like some people do. It just turns out that the genetics in my family demand that I have a small build, which some consider lucky [Sue me]. With that said, my personal New Years resolution is going to be getting more physically active. "They" say that you are supposed to have a plan, but I do not want one. As long as I am enjoying myself and physically challenging myself, I'm fine!

For those who live in LA|CA there are plenty of trendy spots to get your cardio on! I've been doing Runyon Canyon in Hollywood and freakin love it! People say that my skinny ass shouldn't be running or doing cardio but I don't care, my heart is a muscle that need to be exercised just like any other muscle. I've also tried the Santa Monica Stairs, which seem like it would be easy...but it's not. The old men and women were beating me with laps up and down those stairs while I'm panting like I'm hiking up with Pyramids of Giza!

Scientific studies show that it takes 21 days for your brain to build a habit. The key is commitment and if you can commit to December you will be set for the entire year of 2011. Whether your resolution is to quit smoking, learning to save and stop blowing your money on pointless BS, or saying goodbye to that trans-fat flab, you have the power to follow through on a resolution. So grab a friend, pop in Kanye's Workout Plan, and get it right, get it tight! #readysetGO!

Help from YELP!
Click for info: Runyon Canyon Park
Click for info: Santa Monica Stairs

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pre Orders for "Don't Get F*cked Up" Shirts

Fun new shots from the DGFU line. Now taking pre orders for the next shipment of DGFU Shirts! If you are interested please email [] or Facebook Jayce Sadler what shirt you would like. Please have order and money received by November 26, 2010.

Styles: Plunging V-Neck [$27] or Men's Original Tank [$22]
Colors: Black or White
Size: S, M, L, XL [Plunging V-Neck are American Appear men's sizes]

I will be making my way around OC, LA, and the IE 11.23 - 11.26.

Don't Get F*cked Up... Get wit it! Thank you for the support!

All the best,
Jayce B. Sadler

*Photos by Logan Photos

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lesson #8: How to NOT Get Slapped By Your Server

When I moved away to college I needed a new job that would be flexible enough so that I was not flunking out of school, yet I made enough money to survive. With my charming personality and dazzling wits I decided to take on the challenge of being a server. You never know what it is like dealing with people until you work in customer service...

Since most people will never be servers and get the hands on, down and dirty, nitty gitty experience of the fast paced and excited job, I made some guidelines to give you a heads up so that next time you "wine and dine", everyone can have a more present experience.


1) Please do not bust out all of your wrinkled coupon cutouts from the Penny Saver and try to use them in one visit to get a free meal. FYI it does not work like that. Come back and have fun all over again!

2) If cannot afford to eat out and leave a decent tip, then DON'T. Standard tip is 15% or higher. "They" usually say "double the tax", but CA's sale tax is at an all time high of 9.75% thanks to the Governator. That Crackberry you're attached to has a calculator and let's hope you passed the 3rd grade... do the math! (Rule may vary depending on how horrible your server is)

3) A server's job is to help you. Everyone in the English speaking world knows the expressions "please" and "thank you" but somehow forget when they are demanding a Diet Coke with no ice!

4) Again, a servers job is to help you, so let them! If there is an issue or mistake with your food that is making your visit absolutely miserable, SPEAK UP CHILD! They will more than likely to be happy to assist you. Please do not blow it up in their face when paying out with a sassy "Well I'm done now..." Many things are easily fixable and do not involve spit or pubic hair.

5) Believe it or not, servers are people too and most of the time have outgoing "Type A" personalities. Joke around and have a good time when the time calls for it. The very least you will get is a courtesy laugh [ha ha ha]. Try it, you may find out something interesting or make someone's day!

6) If you do not feel like paying for a drink, order water with lemon. BUT do not collect all the lemons and the sugar packets in the restaurant to attempt to make a bootleg "homemade" lemonade. That probably cost the establishment more money than just bringing you a regular lemonade... plus that's just straight up ghetto.

7) Try to avoid walking into a restaurant 2 minutes before closing with an incomplete party of feisty teenyboppers. Majority of the time 1/2 the kitchen needs to be re set-up and evening plans that your server was already late for are being canceled. Please be mindful and courteous and just go to In-n-Out or Dennys! That's what they're there for.

8) Try to ask for everything you need at one time. It makes the server's job easier when they make less trips. Be patient and remember, you are not the only table they are dealing with.

9) The term used for party that takes up a table for an extended amount of time is a "camper". If you want to spend time and fellowship with your old high school sweetheart or that Mai Tai has you feeling yourself a little too much, that's fine, but if you are sitting at your table for 4 hours on a Friday night running your mouth about nothing, somebody's dollars are getting tampered with! There are plenty of Starbucks.

10) Get your kids! (Need I say more?)

11) HAVE FUN! Order a round of drinks and enjoy yourself. Servers are there to create a fun environment for you and your company so embrace it! Plus, who doesn't enjoy eating?!

DGFU... Class has begun!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lesson #7: Pretty Girls Rock!

"Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful..."

Blonde, beautiful and brisk Keri Hilson has had my attention since she come out with Energy a couple years back. I'm happy the ATL song writer decided to break out into her own career because she definitely knows how to grab our focus. She is so cute LOL.

Here is her new creative and clever video Pretty Girl Rock where she highlights and reenacts some of the most prominent and successful black female entertainers from the past decades. "Miss Keri Baby" starts with Josephine Baker, Dorothy Dandridge, Diana Ross, Donna Summers, Janet Jackson, and finally TLC [R.I.P. Left Eye].

I instantly started laughing when "Donna Summers" came on. Keri looks a little drag and those two men twirling in the back are quite comical I must say. I love when she recreates TLC's Creep. Although I learned about past entertainers like Dorothy Dandridge in my Comm 315 class and better know who Diana Ross is in fear of my mother beating me, being a kid born in the late 80's... Creep is the only video I actually remember!

In a Perfect World was playing continuously in my car for weeks. Her sophomore album, No Boys Allowed is set to release next month on December 21st. Does this mean I can't buy it because I'm a boy?

THROWBACK: Also see TLC's Creep below. I know you were about to YouTube it after you saw this video so I saved you the trouble =P

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lesson #6: London Gal

This posting is dedicated to my little sister who had the guts to up and move to Europe! She is clearly having the time of her life studying abroad in London for the fall semester by her numerous facebook updates and photo albums. I couldn't be a more proud big brother.

Yesterday, I was able to speak with her via video chat [shoutout to 2010!] and it made me miss her even more. She educated me on the UK's lifestyle and some comparisons to the slang terms we have in the US. A "chav" is a derogative term for someone of low class who drinks in the streets and excessively parties, or in Tyler's words, "a doo doo mama with a slicked back pony tail...". When I googled it I immediately thought of Mel C aka "Sporty Spice" of the Spice Girls.

At such a young age, Tyler has already made it to Brazil [and Mexico if that counts!]. She is a motivation to many not to be scared and to just do it! Go out and see what the world has to offer; not many do.

She will be heading back to the States next month after her four month long adventure. I am sure has opened her eyes to a whole other world and way of living. Hopefully she'll have the guts to actually get on the plane and come home, she was trying to buy a one way ticket when she left! I cannot wait to hear more stories and see some more of her amazing photography! I can't even lie, I get a little jealous when I see a Facebook status saying that she's spending the weekend in Paris, France. Who does that!?

Throw back in honor of my little modern day Spice Girl #londongal [LOL]

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lesson #5: Hungry for Johnny Cupcakes!

Once very blue moon [not the beer] I come across a story that arouses my drive to succeed. I was on Facebook chatting with an old friend about working with him as a mentor for "Don't Get Fooled University", the nonprofit division of DGFU that will assist in the transition from high school to college life, when he brought up a familiar name... "Johnny Cupcakes".

I did my research and found out that the college drop out behind the multi-million dollar company started from nothing in the back of his old Toyota. I used to work at a store on Melrose and once on my lunch break walked into Johnny Cupcakes to get a little snack to find that it was actually a clothing store. A little disappointed, and still hungry as hell for rich red velvet, I moved on and never thought about the name until last night. By thinking out of the box, the Boston native was able to build a global company step by step to where it is today. Johnny Cupcakes’ story reminds me a lot of what I want with my own clothing line, DGFU.

Not only does he have a inventive t-shirt line, but he also holds extremely popular seminars all over the country that brings tenfolds of young [and old] entrepreneurs to listen and be educated on how Johnny Cupcakes did it! He was voted America's #1 Young Entrepreneur in 2008 and started a company with no start up loans, college degree, advertisers, or investors. He has successful stores in the Boston area, Los Angeles, and is carried is stores around the world. Driving the message of leaving the beer pong table and getting what you need done, Johnny Cupcakes beats the man in the Everett College commercial when it comes to getting your butt up off the couch.

As a recent college graduate and someone who thought they found their dream post college job, I quickly learned that I was put on this Earth to be my own boss. It was always the goal to work for myself, but never knew when exactly that was going to happen. So, why not now? While many are out of work and blaming America’s financial drought for their economic hardships, many people, especially the younger generations, are starting their own things and making life work for them. Now is the time where individuals need to start thinking outside of the box and press forward. "Get er done!"

Johnny Cupcakes Website:

"Man, WHAT Recession?!" Past blog on the younger generation making it in the recession

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lesson #4: OMGee Rihanna is smiling again!

It has been a long and dark time coming, but Rihanna is finally back on the music scene and actually looks like she’s enjoying her profession! With her new firecracker red and mangled wig, she is making a quick and colorful come back. After her infamous violent encounter in February 2008 with singer and ex boyfriend Chris Brown, who is also redeeming his name after his gloomy yet compelling Michael Jackson performance at the BET Awards, she decided to take her famous edgy “Rihanna cut” even shorter and rock a DGFU attitude… and it worked! Her last album “Rated R” debuted at #4 on the US Billboard 200 charts and featured hit singles like Hard, Rockstar 101, and my personal favorite Rude Boy.

Her new album LOUD is set to release November 12, 2010 and a few singles and videos have already become quite popular with the kids. The “club banger” Only Girl has been doing well on the airwaves and she just released another single What’s My Name feat. Drake; and I LOVE this song. If you listen to the words and some of the lines (“the square root of 69 is ate something… right?”), it is a very provocative song, but the catchy tune covers up the risky lyric which makes it perfect for listening with Mom in the minivan! After Drake commences the song rapping about “weed and white wine”, Rihanna takes it over and murders it with her sweet sensual Barbadian accent. You’re reluctantly forced to snap your fingers and it even gives the dustiest chicken heads the desire to whip her hair back and forth.

RiRi already has me glued with her first two singles, and with the next single possibly being a song entitled S&M, I cannot wait to purchase my LOUD album at Target for $9.99. Though I am not a fan of her new “Pippy Longstalking meets Raggedy Ann” image and will miss all the fun my friends had with Disturbia, I do recognize and honor music artists that are able to switch it up. Go ahead RiRi! I wonder if she will ever get her new misspelled French neck tat corrected…

PS while we’re on the topic of corrections, her name is supposed to be pronounced [ree-YAH-na]. Why has she not addressed this after all these years? Food for thought.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lesson #1: WTF is DGFU?!

Everyone has that moment when you want to tell someone “Don’t Get F*cked Up” because of an idiotic action or unnecessary comment. Welp kids... now you can with DGFU’s fashion division. DGFU Clothing features casual attire for the everyday wear with a bold acronym that is sure to put an unexpected twist on any spectator’s day. Whether in the gym or grabbing a quick cup of Joe, DGFU Clothing is sure to grab the attention of the curious mind.

DGFU is also in the process of creating a college mentorship program that is set to launch in fall of 2011. “Don’t Get Fooled University” will make the transition into young adulthood easier by linking incoming freshmen with prearranged college students who will show them the ropes of their specific university inside and outside of the classroom. Mentor volunteers are responsible for showing mentees the real side of college while pointing out the not so obvious opportunities that their school has to offer and getting them connected socially and academically.

Along with the mentorship program, DGFU will be rewarding college students who have already made it though half of their college tenure with the Don’t Get Fooled University Scholarship Campaign. Many organizations and business offer scholarships to incoming freshman to get their feet on the ground. DGFU wants to reward the students that are on track to graduate and have completed at least half of their college education. A portion of all sales from the DGFU clothing line will be collected and presented as a scholarship to one mentor that has proven themselves and has gone above and beyond their calling.

DGFU is not only a fresh and fashionable clothing line, but a confident lifestyle and a way to help others achieve the same secure mindset.

** If you will have completed at least two year at the same university by Fall 2010 and are interested in becoming a mentor for next year, please email for more information. 

Lesson #2: Moving Down the Street to the "Big City"

Los Angeles, California... also known as the "City of Angels" and home of overpriced coffee and 3.83 million starving artists waiting for their big break. A place where you have the option to "drink all day and play all night" or work your ass off to make that last $100 for the rest that was due yesterday. Flashing lights, dreams, and palm trees is what this city is made of... and I freakin love it!

I am a recent graduate of California State University, Fullerton in Orange County, just thirty miles south/east of the diverse city. Although I lived in "The OC", I always found myself driving to LA for multiple reasons such as the nightlife and entertainment work. After I had no more obligation to OC, I packed up my bags and Ikea bed and moved to my second home in hopes to save a little gas.

For those who personally know me, I was about .02 seconds from moving to Atlanta, GA but ended up staying in Southern California. Honestly, I thought that moving to Los Angeles would have been a lot easier, but it's been a lot more difficult than I thought. I guess I'm living in the the real world and reality is lowkey a biotch [who would have thunk...]

Although I did not find The South to be a place for me to reside at the moment, I do see myself moving somewhere outside of California in the future. For now... LA, CA is perfect for J B S. Learning to live in a new setting is always a difficult process [even though I got the "Easy Card"], but you have to make your surroundings your own. Socialize and take every opportunity to go out and make friends. The entertainment business in the city runs on loud mouths and networking over martinis, so when in Rome... DO what the Romans do and enjoy :)

Don't Get Fooled University... Class has Begun!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lesson #3: "So... Can we still be friends?"

I recently got out of a relationship that pretty much rocked my world. I was Crazy in Love just like Beyonce back in 2003 when she couldn't tell up from down! Obviously, I was completely devastated when I was informed that I was being woken up from my dream that I never wanted to end.

Because of past relationships and the struggle it took to get a "friendship" back on track, I swore to myself that I would never be friends with an ex ever again. What happens when you want to date someone new? Does the other have the right to get jealous? What the hell is a friend?! Can your ex truly be just your friend?

I happened to think so, with time effort and energy you can get a relationship to where it needs to be, however... here are some rules that will help you define whether your dealing with your ex or your friend. Don't Get Fooled!


1) If you and your ex are still having sex, making love, shacking up, fondling, etc... that is not your friend, thats your ex!

2) If you or your ex still secretly (or not so secretly) want to get back together... that is not your friend, thats your ex!

3) If you are still in love... that is not your friend, that is your ex.

4) If you are constantly subliminally tweeting or updating your Facebook status so a "certain someone" may or may not see what you are doing and/or thinking... that is not your friend, that is your ex.

5) If your ex's presents dictates where you eat, socialize, or fellowship... that is not friend, thats your ex!

6) If you are always having to have a "talk"... that is not your friend, that's your ex!

7) If you find yourself somehow always drifting onto your ex's Facebook page when your supposed to be studying for that test at 8am tomorrow... that is not your friend, that's your ex!

8) If you get the natural urge to verbally or physically assault the new boo... that is not your friend, that's your ex! 

9) If the break up was not mutual (simply put: someone got dumped!)... that is not your friend, that's your ex!

10) If you are really thinking about these rules... that is not your friend, that's your ex!

Don't Get Fooled University... Class has begun!